Strictly Online based (except for arranged seminar published on this website), private social enterprise, non-governmental organization, with objectives of furthering education, research, women empowerment, relieving poverty, providing positive social environment for our registered users, advancing the arts etc., owned by David Abiodun KGB Onafeko.
Self funded, including any donations, grants, etc
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Welcome to DAKGB ONAFEKO (UK) Direct internet home, operating within the United Kingdom. We are a non-governmental, philanthropic, social enterprise. Except for any arranged seminars, published on this website, from time to time, we are strictly online based.
We are registered under the Data Protection Act, within the United Kingdom. By registering with us, you agree that we may process your data in accordance with the said Data Protection Act. Our registered users, registered clients, have a right to request data we hold about them in accordance with the Act. To be entitled, we must have received any of our services after a valid online registration.
To request a copy of your data, please visit the contact section of this website or send an email to
If you are not one of our registered users, we wish you all the best whilst visiting our website.
DAKGB ONAFEKO (UK) Direct is a part of DAKGB ONAFEKO (UK) Group; owned by David Abiodun K. G. B Onafeko.